iRead eBooks
Full-text retrieval and online browsing of 80,000 eBooks from 3,000 of the most popular publishers in Taiwan, such as China Times, Linking, Hwatai, Bookman, Sinobooks, and Chienhua.
iRead eBooks features electronic book and digital magazine titles spanning business management, finance and economics, travel and leisure, fiction and non-fiction, language learning, every academic discipline and profession, as well as the arts and design.
An Airiti eBook may be browsed simultaneously by an unlimited number of users or checked out for offline reading by three users at a time. The lending period of an eBook will be decided by a librarian.
*Airiti eBooks are offered as one-time outright purchase.
Airiti Library
Airiti Journals: Over 15,000 types of academic journals included in international citation index databases such as the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Ei Compendex, CA, Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index, MEDLINE, Chinese Social Sciences Index and Chinese Science Citation Database, the guide to Chinese core periodicals and pertinent index citation journals.
Airiti Proceedings: Over 38,000,000 full electronic texts spanning the five major academic disciplines: the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, applied sciences as well as medical and life sciences.
Airiti Dissertations: Degree theses and dissertations from 2004 onward written by graduates of outstanding universities and colleges in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Australia such as National Taiwan University, National Chung Kung University, National Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University, Taipei Medical University, and the University of Hong Kong to provide millions of high-quality degree theses and dissertations a important reference sources for researchers in various fields..
* Airiti Library is offered through annual subscription with unlimited concurrent users’ access.
** Free Airiti software must be downloaded for offline reading of Airiti Books.
Airiti will create a platform within its databases for a customer library which will contain eProducts the library ordered. Airiti will provide its link to the library, which the library can add to its own website for readers to access. Airiti uses the library's IP address range and/or EZproxy IP or the library's referring URL to connect.
Compatible devices for access Airiti Books are desktop PC, iPhone, iPad, Android device or tablet computer.
Customer Service
AGB provides customer service in conjunction with Airiti Inc. For more information, please contact AGB.